🌌🚀 The OSL Team is thrilled to announce the launch of the groundbreaking book Space Economy, Space Industry, and Space Law, edited by Simonetta Di Pippo, Sergio Marchisio, and Luciano Violante and published by Il Mulino. This volume is the product of a three-year collaboration between Fondazione Leonardo-Civiltà delle Macchine, the Outer Space Law Team of Sapienza University, and SEE Lab Bocconi.
📚 The book dives deep into the vast and evolving world of space, organized into three insightful sections, to which several authors contributed as experts in their respective fields. It examines the economic and innovative power of the Space Economy, the emergence and financing of the Space Industry – from the dawn of orbital activity to cutting-edge applications – and the critical need for Italy to establish a national legal framework that supports its burgeoning space sector and private operators.
This collective effort has sparked a national conversation on Italy’s space future. Between December 2022 and December 2023, five multi-stakeholder meetings were held at the Chamber of Deputies, fuelling discussions that led to the creation of Italy’s first-ever “Report on Space Economy, Space Industry, and Space Law”. This report, including a draft enabling space legislation, was presented to Adolfo Urso, Minister of Enterprise and Made in Italy and Delegated Authority for Space and Aerospace Policies, in September 2023.
🇮🇹 Led by Sergio Marchisio, along with the dedicated efforts of Gianfranco Nucera, Maria Vittoria Prest, and Nicoletta Bini, the OSL Team combined rigorous academic research with insights from international space law, comparative national space legislation, and stakeholder dialogues. Their mission: to lay the foundation for Italian space legislation. 🚀
✨ The Space Law section of the book offers an in-depth investigation of the most pressing regulatory challenges in the space domain. From the chapter on international obligations that require specific implementation rules in the domestic laws of States to the different financial liability regimes under the 1972 Convention and national space law, expertly covered by Sergio Marchisio, to the objectives and scope of national legislation tackled by Gianfranco Nucera, the intricate issues of authorizing and supervising private space operators by Maria Vittoria Prest, and the all-important registration of space objects addressed by Nicoletta Bini – this volume provides readers with the essential tools to navigate the complexities of both international and national space law.
Table of content
Space Economy, Space Industry, Space Law
Un rapporto
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- Premessa, di Franco Ongaro
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- Introduzione, di Simonetta Di Pippo, Sergio Marchisio e Luciano Violante
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- I. Space economy e sostenibilitĂ , di Simonetta Di Pippo
- II. L’economia dello Spazio a livello globale, di Mattia Pianorsi
- III. Verso la commercializzazione: analisi comparata tra Stati Uniti ed Europa, di Clelia Iacomino
- IV. Il contesto italiano, di Andrea Conconi, Filippo Papamarenghi, Simonetta Di Pippo, Clelia Iacomino e Mattia Pianorsi
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- V. L’utilizzo dell’orbita terrestre: da avamposto a «hinterland» globale, di Luigi Pasquali
- VI. L’esplorazione umana e robotica dello Spazio, di Piero Messidoro
- VII. La politica industriale per le attività spaziali. Scenario per l’industria italiana, di Alberto Tuozzi
- VIII. Spazio e attività commerciali, di Giovanni Sylos Labini
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- IX. I principi generali della legge sulle attività spaziali e la posizione degli operatori privati, di Sergio Marchisio
- X. Il quadro giuridico delle attività spaziali commerciali, di Gianfranco Gabriele Nucera
- XI. Gli operatori privati e l’esercizio delle attività spaziali, di Maria Vittoria Prest
- XII. Considerazioni sull’immatricolazione degli oggetti spaziali e prospettive nazionali, di Nicoletta Bini
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- Appendice
- Progetto di delega in materia di disciplina delle attivitĂ spaziali (21 settembre 2023)
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- Riferimenti bibliografici
Check out the book here 👉 https://www.mulino.it/isbn/9788815389534